Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

Pressure Transducers and Transmitters


Low Pressure Differential

  • Low pressure ranges from 0-5 mbar
  • Available for gauge reference or bi-directional measurement
  • Durable designs for industrial and commercial installations
  • ATEX/IECEx option available
PR3202 low pressure differential

Our low range air differential pressure transmitter provides an accurate solution for low pressure sensing with ranges available from 0-5 mbar to 0-1,000 mbarDP. Incorporating the latest silicon sensor and electronics technologies, these 4-20 mA transmitters are fully temperature compensated for unrivalled stability at very low pressure.

Housed in an RFI shielded wall mountable box for EMC protection, these transmitters combine precise measurement for control at very low pressures, with the robustness and flexibility for industrial and commercial installations. An optional heavy-duty aluminium die-cast housing is available for the harshest environments.

Access to screw terminal electrical connections and to zero span potentiometers is by removing the front covers, making installation and on-site adjustment. Cable entry is through a compression seal gland, or optional M20 conduit fitting. Standard pressure connections are to push-on hose fittings for 4mm ID hose. Ranges available from 0-5 mbar to 0-1,000 mbar in DP, gauge reference or bi-directional. Ultra-low pressure ranges from 0-25 Pa are also available.

Standard pressure ranges:

0-5 mbar; 0-10 mbar; 0-20 mbar; 0-50 mbar; 0-100 mbar; 0-250 mbar; 0-500 mbar; 0-1,000 mbar (other options available)

Typical applications include:

  • Flow measurement with pitot tubes
  • Orifice plates and mass flow meters
  • Static pressure measurement and control
  • Combustion chambers and clean room environments
  • Air or gas applications requiring reliable ultra-low differential pressure measurement

Technical Specifications

Electrical Connections

Pin no. 2 wire
1 +supply
2 4-20 mA signal
3 not fitted
to case
technical drawing for PR3202 low pressure differential transmitter


ATEX logo

Available options include ATEX and IECEx approved version for explosion protection for flammable gases (zone 0), dusts (zone 20) and mining areas (group I M1)

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