Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

Pressure Transducers and Transmitters


Low Pressure Transmitter

  • Piezoresistive sensor technology
  • Low pressure measurement from 50 mbar
  • Robust stainless steel construction
  • Low hysteresis and excellent long term stability
  • Wide operating temperature
  • On-site zero and span adjustment
LP1000 Low Pressure Transmitter


The LP1000 is designed for precise low-pressure measurement, with pressure ranges starting from 0-50 mbar. Its robust stainless steel construction ensures durability and reliability, even in demanding environments. Additionally, the device features low hysteresis and excellent long-term stability, making it ideal for low-pressure fluid and gas applications compatible with 316L stainless steel and nitrile (NPR). For added flexibility, it offers adjustable zero and span access, allowing for precise calibration and customization to meet specific requirements.

You may also be interested in the PR3110 Low Pressure Transmitter for Hazardous areas.

Standard pressure ranges:

0 – 50 mbar; 0 – 100 mbar; 0 – 250 mbar; 0 – 500 mbar; 0 – 1,000 mbar (other ranges available)

Absolute ranges from 0-500 mbar

Typical applications include:

  • Laboratory and test
  • Air and gas pressure monitoring
  • Leak detection
  • Low pressure liquid and hydrostatic pressure measurement

Technical Specifications

Electrical Connections

mA Vdc Vdc
Pin no. 2 wire 3 wire 4 wire
1 +supply common -supply
2 4-20 mA signal +supply +supply
3 N/C +output +output
to case to case -output
Technical drawing for LP1000 low pressure transmitter

Get a quote

For more information or to request a quote contact our sales team