Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

Pressure Transducers and Transmitters
Same Day Emergency Pressure Transmitter

A MOO-Sive Help!

ESI had the pleasure of providing help in the most unlikely of places recently when a local farmer contacted us after the automatic water feed experienced a malfunction. Due to a failure of a competitors pressure transmitter 30 cows were without refreshment in the height of summer!


Emergency Pressure Transmitter ESI


The customer was in desperate need for a replacement transmitter and our team were able to act quickly and build a new unit in time to collect the same afternoon!

No thirsty cows on our watch!