Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

members of FPAL ESI. Level Monitoring Pressure Transmitter

NEW DOWNHOLE pressure transmitters


Downhole Pressure Transmitters ESI

Over the years, ESI Technology Ltd has honed the skill and expertise to engineer exacting pressure measurement solutions for many oil, gas and subsea applications. The ability to meet the stringent requirements for these markets can be illustrated by the evolution of the field proven oil, gas and subsea product range which includes dual redundant and subsea differential designs, and the recent introduction of HI5000 miniature downhole sensor.

The HI5000 has been specifically designed for extreme downhole high cycle, high pressure and temperature applications which require accuracy, stability and long term performance of downhole pressure monitoring.


With a maximum length of 58mm and slim diameter of less than 13mm, the HI5000 is highly compact and saves on critical downhole tool space. Downhole sensor applications require wetted parts made from materials approved to NACE Standards, therefore the housing is made from tough, corrosion resistant Titanium Alloy and approved to NACE Sour Service MR0175-9. The fully welded, sealed construction provides durability, resilience and stability in harsh and corrosive conditions.


At the heart of the design is ESI’s unique Silicon-on-Sapphire sensor technology; a sensor not only with high sensitivity and stability but also rugged and resilient against high overload pressures and transients. With pressure ranges up to 1500 bar, and up to 3x overpressures in some ranges, the sensor is designed to withstand high shock and vibration inputs in high temperatures up to 200°C.


ESI Downhole Pressure Transmitters

Document packages have become a standard requirement in the competitive oil and gas market and ESI are ready to support any requirements for this. The provision of documentation to support products is usually beyond the scope of most quality systems, but ESI has adapted procedures to offer full and comprehensive document support including certificates of conformity, calibration certificates and material certificates for traceability.


Downhole Pressure Transmitters

  • Pressure Ranges: 0-400 bar, 0-600 bar, 0-1000 bar, 0-1500 bar Sealed Gauge
  • Excitation: 3 to 10VDC, 5VDC nominal
  • Output full-scale sensitivity: 10 to 20 mV/V
  • Operating temperature range: -40°C to +200°C
  • Nonlinearity and hysteresis combined: 0.15 % of span max. BFSL
  • Total error band: < ±0.2% of span using polynomial model P(T, mV), compensated 20°C to 180°C
  • PT1000 RTD: IEC 60751 CLASS A
  • Housing is all Titanium Alloy, NACE Sour Service Approved MR0175-9
  • Weight: 20 grams



For more information on our range please contact +44 (0)1978 262255, [email protected] or visit our website www.esi-tec.com
