Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

ESI-USBĀ© Software

With the ESI-USBĀ© software you can connect your transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8 & 10.

The username and password is located inside the box containing the pressure transducer and USB cable. Alternatively, contact [email protected] for details.

Version History Bug Fixes extended to support the new ESI-USB Plus interface box. Fixed issue with report generator, shows every other data point for the complete time range with no missing rows. Bug Fixes modification to protect transducer EEPROM data to report options. Option to select new Excel workbook for each sensor. Option to delete and add markers after test is complete. Option to disable Pause button.Option to remove timeline between pauses on graph screen. Feature to allow alarm levels to be adjusted while test is in progress, and when an alarm has been triggered for a popup to appear with alarm details. Option to have time on graph screen to be in system time or elapsed time. Leak Test feature now allows pressure drops to 2 decimal places

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