Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

members of FPAL ESI. Level Monitoring Pressure Transmitter


The PR9500 Wireless Pressure Transmitter from Ellison Sensors is designed for safe operation in tough industrial and process applications without the need for hard wiring. The PR9500 transmitter can be situated in hazardous and relatively inaccessible areas, allowing the operator to monitor pressure from safe distances on site. No hard wiring means lower installation cost and maintenance, resulting in cost savings.


Robustly constructed from stainless steel, the PR9500 transmitter incorporates the latest silicon-on-sapphire sensor technology, giving optimum stability and repeatability in all industrial and process environments. It operates by sending data signals by radio telemetry to a digital indicator or other device incorporating a compatible receiver. Powered by an internal battery supply, the transmitter is capable of sending data signals at distances of up to 500 metres.

Typical applications include mechanical and civil engineering installations, process plant, water utilities,petrochemical, power generation and any application on fluid or gas requiring a stable, repeatable and accurate pressure measurement at distances on site.The removal of the large cap at the head of the unit, allows easy access for zero/span adjustment and recalibration or for battery replacement. Standard pressure connection is 1/2”BSP or optionally 1/2” NPT is available.Pressure ranges are from 0 – 500mbar to 0 – 1500bar.

Please call our sales team on 01978 262255 for more information or alternatively visit our website