Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

Pressure Transducers and Transmitters
members of FPAL ESI. Level Monitoring Pressure Transmitter

Oil, Gas and Subsea Pressure Measurement- The Complete Package

Oil, gas & subsea applications have become a speciality of ESI. The ability to meet exacting requirements for these markets can be illustrated by the evolution of the field proven oil & gas and subsea product range which includes dual redundant and subsea differential designs.

  • Dual Redundant pressure sensors and electronics
  • Hyperbaric testing to 3, 300m depth
  • Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
  • Specialised process connections
  • Extended service life
  • Range of housing materials
  • Comprehensive documentation package and certification 

Pressure measurement plays an important role in the oil & gas industry. With the necessity to find oil in less accessible places, the systems utilised in exploration become more complex and the use of pressure transducers and transmitters is increasing. New and more challenging applications require specifically designed solutions to cope with higher static pressures, aggressive processes and environmental conditions. One of our particular areas of expertise is in deep-water subsea applications where we provide specialist transmitters, often for control valve operation and for immersion up to 6,000 metres with an expected service life of 25 years. 

Pressure port threads, output signals, pressure ranges, electrical connections and wetted parts can be tailored to adapt to the harsh and unforgiving environments synonymous with the oil, gas and subsea industries. At the heart of the design is ESI’s unique Silicon-on-Sapphire sensor technology; a sensor not only with high sensitivity and stability, but also rugged and resilient against high overload pressures and transients.

Optional ATEX and IECEx approved versions of this product range is available for explosion protection for flammable gases (zone 0), dusts (zone 20) and mining areas (group I M1).

Product Conditioning

Pre-conditioning and testing is fundamental to the success of our oil, gas and subsea range. Our investment in hyperbaric test facilities means that each and every unit we supply has already been subjected to 3300 metres of submersion before leaving the factory and the customer can rest assured that there is no concern about leakage or integrity when deploying these pressure transmitters in deep water subsea applications.

Investment in vibration test equipment and automated thermal chambers means that transmitters can be environmentally screened at ESI before shipment, confirming that the units are fit and reliable for a long service life on the seabed. This is a major benefit to the customer as the cost of valve retrieval from a subsea process is extreme.

This investment and commitment means that every customer receives a material requirement package with each transmitter confirming calibration, accuracy, material conformity, hyperbaric test and ESS test certificates

Documentation Support

The provision of documentation to support products is usually beyond the scope of most quality systems, but we have adapted our procedures to offer full and comprehensive document support including certificates of conformity, calibration certificates and material certificates for traceability. Document packages have become a standard requirement in the competitive oil and gas market and ESI are ready to support any new requirements that arise.