Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

Pressure Transducers and Transmitters
members of FPAL ESI. Level Monitoring Pressure Transmitter

Digital Pressure Transmitter from ESI

The GS4200-USB© Digital Pressure Transmitter

To get the highest accuracy with a pressure transmitter you need an output signal which has a high resolution and can not be easily corrupted. Unlike analogue output signals, digital signals do not suffer from interference or signal loss. With digital output signals either the complete signal gets through as originally transmitted or nothing gets through at all. For real-time analysis, data transferred to the PC is achieved without loss of accuracy or bandwidth.

ESI Technology Ltd is always trying to find smarter solutions to pressure measurement and logging. Since the GS4200-USB© was born it has remained a unique character on the pressure measurement market. Its main ability is to allow the user to measure, analyse and record pressure directly onto a PC or laptop without the need for costly I/O interface boards.

Digital Pressure Transmitter


Power is provided from the USB port, eliminating the need for extra connections and the data is presented via the ESI-USB configurable software that is supplied with the transducer. It has instant connection with auto-detection and will automatically configure with your laptop or PC via USB protocol. You can measure up to 16 inputs at a time and with the superior Silicon-on-Sapphire sensor technology the GS4200-USB© delivers excellent performance, accuracy and stability.


The accuracy of a digital pressure transmitter will always be limited to the repeatability and hysteresis of the sensor technology being used. Repeatability and hysteresis factors are unpredictable and are very difficult to characterise. Digital outputs have the potential to give the most accurate signal but it must be used along with stable sensing technology. This technology needs to have naturally low hysteresis and repeatability to be truly accurate over its entire operational life. For this reason The GS4200-USB© features Silicon-on-Sapphire sensor technology.


ESI Digital Pressure Transmitter

SOS technology is incorporated into our portfolio through a range of high standard products, but what is it and why do we use it?

The combination of Silicon and sapphire provides a very durable sensor. Because the silicon is grown onto the surface of the sapphire it is incredibly stable and exhibits virtually no hysteresis. With its outstanding insulation properties, the sapphire protects the strain gauge from electromagnetic pulse radiation, and allows the sensor to operate over a very wide temperature range without loss of performance. It can endure high over pressures and provides superb corrosion resistance. The excellent elasticity of the sapphire ensures high repeatability which is a highly desirable characteristic for sensors. Excellent measurement accuracy provides high resolution with a precision greater than 1 in 10,000.



The latest developments in the software offer a host of exciting new features making the device even easier to set up and use. It is now possible to automatically generate a personalised Test Certificate. Easy to follow guidelines allows the user to create a bespoke certificate template to include all vital data gathered during the test in Word or Excel format. Other fields can be added, even your company logo, to provide a simple but professional Quality document.


Check out the Demonstration movie on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Iwu1JT3wjk

Contact us for a datasheet on 01978 262255 or [email protected]