Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Download the ESI-USB© Software

The ESI-USB© software allows you to connect your ESI transducer to your laptop or PC and be up and running monitoring pressure data within ten minutes. The software auto-updates and is compatible with Windows 8, 10 & 11.

Pressure Transducers and Transmitters

Din Connectors

DIN connector is an electrical connector that was originally standardized by the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) organization. The general electrical connector used by ESI is to EN175301-803 (ex DIN43650) DIN Standard.

DIN 175301-803-A electrical connector
  • DIN Connector - 2 Wire
    4-20 mA

    pressure transducer and transmitter wiring diagram for 2 wire DIN connector

    Wire Key – 2 Wire

    Earth Yellow or White
    1 Red + Supply
    2 Blue + Signal Output
    3 Not Connected
  • DIN Connector - 3 Wire

    Output 4-20 mA

    0-5 Vdc
    0-10 Vdc

    pressure transducer and transmitter wiring diagram for 3 wire DIN connector

    Wire Key – 3 Wire

    Earth Yellow or White Or Earth Not Connected
    1 Blue + Supply
    2 Red + Supply
    3 Black or Green + Signal Output
  • DIN Connector - 4 Wire

    Output 4-20 mA

    Unrat mV
    0-20 mV
    0-100 mV
    0-5 Vdc
    0-10 Vdc

    pressure transducer and transmitter wiring diagram for 4 wire DIN connector

    Wire Key – 4 Wire

    Earth Yellow or White  – Signal Output
    1 Blue – Supply
    2 Red + Supply
    3 Black or Green + Signal Output

M12 Connectors

An M12 Connector has a locking thread that is used primarily in production equipment as standard. 

  • M12 Wiring - 2-4 Pin

    pressure transducer and transmitter wiring diagram for 2-4 pin M12 connector

    2 Pin (4-20mA) 3 Pin (Vdc) 4 Pin (Vdc)
    1: +ve Supply 1: -ve Supply 1: -ve Supply
    2: n/c 2: +ve Supply 2: +ve Supply
    3: lout 3: +ve Output 3: +ve Output
    4: Not Connected 4: Not Connected 4: -ve Output
  • M12 Wiring - 5 Pin

    pressure transducer and transmitter wiring diagram for 5 pin M12 connector

    Pin No Designation
    1 RS485(B)
    2 RS485(A)
    3 Common Ground
    4 DS Power IN
    5 Analogue Output
    Case Case GND

The wiring used varies dependent on aspects such as output type, voltage, and current requirements; however, we also manufacture custom wiring based on specific customer requirements.

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